"Нет войне" - Artist Statement + Photos [2022]

land art Jul 05, 2024

Flattened grass, Lightroom. [12’ x 60’]

This project was first presented in 2022 in Littleton, Colorado. Images remain property of Connor Hesen. Prints available on request.

Artist Statement

Нет войне: No to War

"Нет войне" is an environmental art project created by continuously walking back and forth for several hours until the grass lay flat. Each letter measures roughly 12’ x 6’. The letters have been slightly exaggerated in Adobe Lightroom for digital clarity. The phrase "Нет войне" translates to "No to War."

The piece aims to give a voice to the citizens around the world standing up against tyranny and destruction. Nature always overruns land art with time. It overruns the rubbles of a war-torn country. It will overrun civilization long after we are gone. This earthwork may only be visible for a couple of weeks; the signs may only be held up for a couple of seconds; the remnants of a devastating war may only be visible for a couple of decades. But one thing remains true: human lives will never be restored. Facts should never be forgotten. Invasions should never be tolerated. Freedom will prevail.

The artwork reflects on the impermanence of human constructs, whether they are artistic expressions or the scars left by warfare. It serves as a testament to the strength and determination of those who oppose oppression and violence.

Through this work, I aim to not only capture a moment of protest but also invite viewers to reflect on the broader implications of war and peace. The piece is a call to action, urging us to remember the human cost of war and to strive for a world where freedom and peace prevail.

Follow-up images regarding the status of the land will be provided over time. Hopefully, the war will be over before the piece fades away.

Additional Photos

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[Film](hes ⚡️)


Originally published in 2022 by Connor Hesen.

Republished to habla.news/u/hes@nostrplebs.com on 7/5/2024.

Find more of my work at connorhesen.net


hes ⚡️

Notes. And other stuff… Bitcoin. Drone. Art. Photo. Thoughts. Class of 500,000 https://heszap.npub.pro/